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Tributes submitted on-line

Tribute 1 submitted by Mrs Patricia Taylor (formerly Holden) on 27.02.11
Many thanks John for putting together this web site that has brought back many happy memories for me. I met Richard in 1973 through the Loughborough University morris team. He became a firm friend of mine and my (then boyfriend) Trevor Warland; and we often went to folk clubs and ceilidhs together until we graduated in 1976. Richard and Lorna came to visit several times in the following years and I continued to value their friendship. Richard had not told me about his illness and his death came as a terrible shock. I look forward to Lorna's Christmas letters each year; and I often think back to those happy times with Trotto, at the campus radio station and on one of the many morris tours around local pubs.

Tribute 2 submitted by Mr Andrew Duxbury on 05.03.11
Reading through the website brought certain things back to me about Richard. I remember when we first met him after we'd moved in as neighbours, we discovered that Richard (as Tenpenny Bit) had performed at the evening reception of our wedding. He had a diary where he'd recorded comments about the reception - good food & very hot (the weather, not the food!) I can hardly credit that it's 10 years - where does it go? My memories of Richard remain constant - a very organised, fair minded and well meaning gentleman. Our street is poorer without him.


Page last updated 25.02.21