Your image is before me
As dry-eyed, in city’s busy throng,
Hating to say "Goodbye", we said "so long".

What’s done is done.
We hope it’s for the best.
Work hard! Play hard!
Success to he who stands the test.
Small respite on a course well run.

One day some future prospect calls.
Go forward then, with memories of halls,
And pals and "rags", swotting by midnight oil.
The oyster’s there to open at the end of toil.

Remember those who helped you make the grade,
Hoping you’re advancing unafraid,
Walking with dignity and pride,
Unerring in your choice of right,
All else you’ll cast aside.

The three-year course completed,
Academic laurels won,
A youth set forth, a man returns, our son!


Douglas R. Tallet, October 1963

(This poem was movingly read by Rev. David Macha, the Minister at Richard's funeral on 09.03.01.)

Click here to find the second poem. "Wishing" Also written at this time, which appears to have been quite traumatic for Dad
Click here to find the third poem. "Summer beach" A word picture of Redcar beach on a busy Summer day
Click here to find the fourth poem. "Coast conscious" In praise of living at the coast
Click here to find the fifth poem. "They who go down to the sea" About the sinking of a trawler on 16.02.65
Click here to find the sixth poem. "September Morning" Images of an early morning in Redcar
Click here to find the seventh poem. "For services rendered" 25 years of employment at Head Wrightson
"Five day week" Weekend pleasures away from the office

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